Sunday, October 7, 2012

Guest Blogger Series: Traveling to Palermo and Day 1

*Note:  This is the first post in the guest blogger series!  Please use the link in the menu bar to go to the full listing on posts.
I am traveling to Palermo, Italy for a rotation at UPMC ISMETT with my friend Cynthia for 5 weeks. I have not traveled abroad for quite sometime, so I think this trip will be interesting, oh and my Italian, not that good.

Traveling- Cynthia and I were very excited to start our trip. A little too excited maybe because we brought three suitcases that were 49 lbs a piece, two carry-ons and two huge purses; however, we felt it was necessary. We flew from Pittsburgh to Paris to Rome to Palermo. Paris airport is still getting remodeled, but the parts that are completed are gorgeous!! The bathroom was to die for, huge stalls, great lighting, bright colored doors. One thing that America needs to emulate is the system of having a hand dryer next to every sink so there is not anymore lines to dry hands. Well once we barley made it to our gate, it was time to board for Rome. Eventually we were in Palermo; however, one luggage short! We looked in many different places, but was no where to be found. Off to "baggagli smarriti" (lost luggage) we went.  It looked as if we were not the only ones! After about an hour we had to call our residence because they were not normally at the desk on Sunday and they were waiting for us. That was an interesting conversation because she did not speak English well. Eventually got my point across, and we got our luggage claim ticket in, so now all we can do was wait. Finally we reached our apartment, received our key and our very needed wifi password. 

We are staying at apartments called Residenza D'Aragona. This place seems very cute and hidden from the excitement just a road away. We lugged our bags to the lift and rode it up to our floor. Was very pleased with the appearance. Tiled floors and a great bathroom that even had a bidet. We were very excited to see two beds, two balconies, which is very common for just about every home and a cute little kitchenette. Oh and a couch that I doubt we will be sitting on. After the long day, we just wanted to shower, but Cynthia got a surprise when she plugged in the blow dryer. She got shocked so much that there was a black mark on her hand for a whole day. Well, our appliances arent even going to work with a converter. Curly hair it is! We finally relaxed and took it easy; although, we were very hungry with just a few pretzels left, but because it was Sunday, nothing was open.

Day 1 of Rotation- well we had to be at the hospital at 8 am and google told us it was a 45 minute walk. So at 7 am we were out of the apartment with just a paper map, no phones and grumbling tummies. So our journey begins. We walked past numerous pastry bars, but we were intimated by the crowds and not knowing the procedure. Eventually, we walked into one and managed to get a pastry, by pointing and sayin "duo per favore". They understood enough, and we were out the door. We were very confused because these places did not have any sort of menus, so coffee was out of the question today. We naturally got lost because the map we were given only had a select few street names, so once we got into the back roads we were done. Not like the street names really mattered because most of the streets didn't have signs anyways. Well, it was time to test out the rusty Italian that I knew. Approached the first man with an Italian hello and a where is ISMETT. Took him a while to understand but after 5 different ways of pronouncing ISMETT, he finally got it. However, he was talking so fast that I only got the first few directions, it seemed like we were close. Well, so we thought... It was now 8 am and still no hospital. We asked another man who looked friendly, and thankfully, he spoke a little English and he actually walked us to the hospital. Angel in disguise. We finally made it. Now we asked for the assistant to the director, but she hasn't arrived yet. Well I guess no one knows we were late, success in my book. 

We waited for about an hour before someone got us, but we ended up sitting in the pharmacy for another hour just to get taken downstairs to wait for another hour. Seriously, we were so bored. So I was like let's go back up to the pharmacy and tell them. We went upstairs and found the assistant who doesn't speak English. I wanted to say that no one had come for us yet downstairs, however, I am pretty sure that I said "there is no one in the basement". Oops. Eventually she understood though. When we left, we of course got lost again, and couldn't find any food! And we were starving because apparently cafeterias in Palermo are unheard of. Once again nothing was open, and the things that were, people were just standing at the bar drinking espresso. Although this may be the land of food, Italians do not eat much at all! Lol 

Eventually we go back to our place and decide we need food. We found a ristorante with a lot of looking, and were excited to sit down and eat, but it was three pm and dead. Soon we figured out that people eat lunch 1-4, which happen to be the same time all the stores close down as well. So we ate dinner even though we would be the last ones there before they closed to reopen at 8 pm for dinner. Dinner was delicious but when we ordered pasta, we were expected something to fill us up, but portion sizes are NOT like America. Well it came to about four o'clock and only one other table was there, and we have been done for 15 minutes. WHY WASN'T OUR WAITER GIVING US OUR CHECK?? Soon, we asked in American and gave a little hand gesture and he figured it out. We learned something new today. Italians don't bring you your check or ask you if you want your check. You have to ask for it or you will sit there all night. So get used to the phrase, "il conto per favore". Day one done, and we are still hungry. 

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