Thursday, June 20, 2013

June Updates

Summer is officially here!  That means lots of beach days and outdoor activities.   I've been pretty idle since I came back from Peru about 3 weeks ago, but now I'm ready to get back on the wagon and go somewhere.

My next two weekends are already planned starting with a short trip up to the White Mountains in New Hampshire for hiking and a ride on the Cog to the summit of Mount Washington.  The following weekend, I will be spending my Independence Day aboard the Carnival Glory as I sail from Boston up to Canada for 5 days.  A few weeks later I will be going back to PA for a wedding.

I am not ready to think ahead to August and September because that means it's nearly Autumn!  I think I will just enjoy summer for a while and try to squeeze in a day or two at the beach!


  1. I think you need to take me with you!
    Love your AUnt chia

  2. You are welcome to come along! I'll be home in July for the wedding, we can talk details then ;-)
