Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 11

CC wakes up with an inflamed finger. If you remember, she grabbed a cactus fruit (thanks to Tina I now know it was NOT a star fruit that we purchased..) and got little needles all over her hand and one stubborn one was still there. She starts freaking out and is in some serious pain. After attempting to be her doctor, she is now bleeding and we are late for rotation. Good thing I brought bandaids and

On our walk to the hospital, a car pulled up beside us and starts rambling on before I even got a chance to try and figure out what they were saying. Another stranger thankfully interjects and tells them where to go. They were asking for directions?

I know we look European and all, but this is the 4th time we have been stopped for directions and just give a doe-eyed stare back. We now walk with our heads down.

We also stop to get water since CC is used to a much larger h2o intake than we have been getting here. We hand over 5 euro for two bottles of water. 5 euro, the smallest actual paper bill...and he looks at us like we are crazy and clearly did not have any change. This is a common theme around here, change is essential to have. After he calls his friend from outside and a 5 minute wait, we get our 4 euro back (in coins).

We made dinner (chicken and veggies) and booked some wkd trips that evening. After getting hungry an hour after dinner, we decided we needed gelato from Ocean Ice (english name should mean we have no problems, right?). Off we go, yum! We finally mastered how to order gelato to go; however, we want to stay at a table this time and apparently are clueless about that process. So we walk in, order, and say for here and wait to pay. Clearly you are not supposed to wait and pay. We get
shooed away to go sit at the table.Ooookay, wonder if there is going to be a sitting fee like in most places because Italians are cheap tippers.

We grab a table by a plant, which in retrospect was a bad idea since I have 8 bug bites to now show for it.Finally our gelato has arrived and we are presented with the check. Do we pay now or pay after? Well we gave him the money right away so we will never know. I was expecting for us to get some change back so we could get more coins, but that did not happen. We don't have anything small enough to leave a tip. Seriously. We both feel horrible and jet off as soon as we finish.

We pass a pizzeria on our walk home that has samples sitting unattended and looking delicious. CC decides she NEEDS a piece. Here we go again. We both run in, grab a piece, and run away...what is wrong with us? It was delicious, though so we may be back for a paid pizza at some other time.

Planning to wake up early so we can actually sit and enjoy breakfast, we go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I am very entertained by your posts! They are much funnier than any of my informational posts, haha.
